Bioinformatics |
Bookmark Page |
- Speed Group Microarray Page: Statistical problems involving microarray data |
- leelab webpages: Research, Courses, Bioinformatics |
- Lei Li's Home Page: Personal site |
- Gary Churchill's Statistical Genetics Group: developing statistical and computational tools for investigations of genetics and molecular biology |
- TIGR: The Institute for Genomic Research |
- Access Excellence: the site for
health and bioscience teachers |
- Department of Zoology University
of British Columbia: |
- Bin Yu: Department of
Statistics |
- Wong Lab |
- Computational Biology: UC Berkeley |
- LLNL Genome Division Personnel: Microbial Sequencing, Physical Mapping, Mouse Genomics |
- Leelab SNP Database: SNP stands for "single nucleotide polymorphism |
- Tracy L. Bergemann: Functional Genomics Links |
- Labortory for the statistical analysis of microarray data: A center for statistical analysis of data arising from microarrays |
- Gene Expression Data
Analysis : Department of |
- Wen-Hsiung Li:
George Wells Beadle Distinguished Service Professor |
- NCI: ANALYTIC METHODS: Self-Organizing Map |
陽明生物資訊學程: |
- DNA from the Beginning: An animated primer on the basics of DNA, genes, and heredity. |
- About Biotech: Gaphics Gallery |
- Genes VII by Benjamin Lewin: The definitive textbook of molecular genetics |
- Best Textbooks in Biochemistry Genes VII: Illustration Resource |
- High Dimensional Data Analysis: Instructor Ker-Chau Li |
- MIT programming systems research group: Genechips |
- Foundamentals of
Computational Biology and Bioinformatics (II) : Jun Liu |
- Structure, Function, and Physical Chemistry of Macromolecules: Stephen Harrison and Don Wiley |
- Introductory Cell Biology: Hravard Biological Sciences |
- Genetics and Genomics: Hravard Biological Sciences |
- Genetics and Genomics: Bioinformatics: The Computational Analysis of Genes and Proteins: Walter Gilbert, Christopher Sears |
- DNA Microarray Methodology - Flash Animation |
- Access Excellence: Classrooms of the 21st Century- Teaching & Learning |
- McGill: Genetics Course |
- MIT Biology Hypertextbook: Chemistry Review, Large Molecules, Cell Biology, Enzyme Biochemistry, Glycolysis and the Krebs Cycle,... |
- BGGN 223 Advanced Genetics: online resources |
- BIOL 121 Human
Biology: |
- Concepts of Genetics: Sixth Edition |
- Genetics in Action: Books collection |
- Biology Course: MIT |
- Pat Brown's lab homepage: part of
the Department of Biochemistry and the Howard Hughes Medical Institute, and
is located in the |
- Celera: mouse genome |
- Signaling Pathway Database: The Signaling PAthway Database (SPAD) is an integrated database for genetic information and signal transduction systems |
- Yeast cell cycle analysis project: Spellman et al., (1998). Comprehensive Identification of Cell Cycle-regulated Genes of the Yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae by Microarray Hybridization. Molecular Biology of the Cell 9, 3273-3297. |
- Supplementary Datasets and Prediction Results: Golub et al "Molecular Classification of Cancer: Class Discovery and Class Prediction by Gene Expression Monitoring" |
- Whitehead/MIT Genome Center's Molecular Pattern Recognition web site |
- Molecular Pattern Recognition Whitehead/MIT Center for Genome Research: Data Sets |
- TIGR Datasets: The Institute for Genomic Research |
- Genomics and Bioinformatics Group: Laboratory of molecular pharmacology, NCI |
- MIPS: |
-Bio Teach: The goal of this project is to provide a broad range of
information and teaching resources on subjects in biotechnology. The articles
will explain issues and techniques that we find important and exciting. ... What is cancer? How does one sequence DNA? What are
local BioTech companies in |
Bioconductor project produces an open source software framework that will
assist biologists and statisticians working in bioinformatics, with primary
emphasis on inference using DNA microarrays. |
- Demonstration Software: GenePix Pro 3, MultiClamp Commander,... |
- GenMAPP: Gene Microarray Pathway Profiler |
- Scanalytics IPLab: Digital Microscopy and Scientific Imaging Program |
- Silicon Genetics: GeneSpring |
- Clustering software: XCluster |
- Dchip: Model-based analysis of oligonucleotide array data |
- Bioinformatics: Instructor: P. C. Lyu & J. K. Huang |
- InfoLIFE:
BioTech at |
- Biotech
News at Science and |
- Division of Biostatistics and Bioinformatics, National Health Research Institutes |
- 生物資訊: 國家衛生研究院的生物資訊 |
- Center for Bioscience & Technology, National Cheng Kung University |
National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI): The Talking Glossary of Genetic Terms to help people without scientific backgrounds understand the terms and concepts used in genetic research. |
Medical and biological references: PubMed, a service of the National Library of Medicine, provides access to over 12 million MEDLINE citations back to the mid-1960's and additional life science journals. PubMed includes links to many sites providing full text articles and other related resources. |
-Bio-Chip 1. |
-Bioinformatics Resources: Integrated Retrieval System ,DNA Database, Protein Database, Molecular Visualization, .... |
- Bioinformatics:
Introductory Articles, Games, Statistics and FAQs |
- Functional Genomics IPAM Fall 2000: Tutorials and News |
- Chemistry & Bioinformatics @ NCHC:
News&Events,Technical Report, |
- Microarray Project: Experimental Protocols, About the Arrayer and Reader, Image Analysis, Database Design and Development, ... |
- Structural Bioinformatics 2000 by P. C. Lyu & J. K. Hwang: Getting Protein Structures, Viewing Protein Structures, Using Protein Tools |
- PNAS: Proceedings of the |
- Science magazine: functional genomics |
- Gene OntologyTM Consortium: Publications, Documentation, ... |
- NCBI: |
- Electronic Scholarly Publishing: Foundations of Classical Genetics |
- Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory: A research and educational institution. |
- National human Genome Research Institute: Genomic and Genetic Resources on the World Wide Web |
- A public source for microarray protocols and software. |
- Nature: Genetics |
- Microarray and Data Analysis: collection of papers with emphasis on analysis of microarray |
- BioTech: Life Sciences Resources and Reference Tools |
- The Cell Death Society: a general overview of apoptosis and programmed cell death |
- Biotech Industry Supplier Registry: Manual compilation of biotech suppliers enabling buyers to easily source manufacturers of biotechnology equipment for cell biology, cell culture, genomics, proteomics and more. Site includes new projects, free magazines, jobs, news and events. |