Image Process


Bruno's Homepage
The goal of research in my laboratory is to understand the coding strategies used by the visual system for accomplishing tasks such as object recognition and scene analysis。

Checkershadow Illusion
A light check in the shadow is the same gray as a dark check outside the shadow。


CMIS Research
The Image Analysis Group at CSIRO Mathematical and Information Science (CMIS) has expertise in the automated extraction and analysis of quantitative information from digital images。

Computational Vision
Studies the computational aspects of vision we are interested both in building machines that can see, and in understanding the mechanisms of biological vision。

CSIRO Australia - Scientific and Industrial Research

David Field's Home Page

Discover Laboratory Home Page

FAMSF Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
The ImageBase is a searchable image and text database of objects from the collections of the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco 。

Fractint Homepage
Fractint is a freeware fractal generator created for IBMPC's and compatible computers。

Graphics Depot Download Center

High Resolution Imaging 1999
High Resolution Imaging in Small Animals with PET, MR and Other Modalities。

Hyperionics - Home of Screen Capture Bestsellers, HyperSnap-DX, HyperCam。

Image Fusion Toolbox
The image fusion toolbox (ver 1.0) for matlab 5.x comprises a set of m-file functions for the pixel-level image fusion of spatially registered grayscale images。It is accompanied by an easy-to-use graphical interface which allows an interactive control over all relevant parameters。

International Conference on Pattern Recognition
ICPR'2000 is the fifteenth international conference sponsored by the International Association for Pattern Recognition (IAPR)。

International Neuroimaging Consortium
The central theme of the Program Project carried out by the International Neuroimaging Consortium (INC), and based at the University of Minnesota, is modeling and visualization of spatial and temporal patterns of functional activation in the living human brain。


Keith Price Bibliography Annotated Computer Vision Bibliography Table of Contents
An annotated bibliography of computer vision, with image processing and related topics。

Kenneth Hanson - Homepage
Kenneth Hanson has worked at the Los Alamos National Laboratory since 1975. His research in image analysis has been applied to medical imaging and dynamic radiography。

Maarten Jansen's PhD dissertation
Wavelet thresholding and noise reduction。

MPEG-4 Video Object Segmentation
The MPEG-4 standard is designed for new demands of nowadays multimedia systems, such as video interaction。In MPEG-4, the video stream can be divided into several video object planes (VOPs) based on the demands of multimedia systems。Those VOPs can be separately encoded, stored, or transmitted。

Multi Resolutions
Scale and Resolution in Image and Data Analysis Innovation and Performance。

Multiresolution Applications
A privileged insight into data and information。Applications in medicine, astronomy, surveillance and security, Earth observation, telecommunications, financial engineering, multimedia, plasma physics, and other fields。

National fMRI Data Center at Dartmouth College
The goal of the NSF/Keck Foundation/NIH funded fMRI Data Center (fMRIDC) is to provide a publicly accessible repository of peer-reviewed fMRI studies and their underlying data。

OPTICS.ORG - Photonics Resources for Scientists and Engineers
Optics and photonics online resource centre 。

PSUEEDigital Image Compression
Image and Video Compression:Fundamentals,Standards, and Applications。

Royal Statistical Society Statistical Image Analysis and Processing Study Group
This new Study Group for Statistical Image Analysis and Processing (SIAP) has arisen out of the very successful session on image analysis held at RSS98, which attracted a lot of interest and was extremely well attended。

SAL- Computer Graphics, Images & Signals - Misc - Wavelet Image Compression Construction Kit

Segmentation and Tracking of the Heart

TechOnLine University

The Eleventh British Machine Vision Conference
BMVC2000 was held at the University of Bristol. The conference managed to survive the fuel crisis with no delegates cancelling because of it! There were around 150 delegates from all over the UK as well as 18 other countries。

The Stanford 3D Scanning Repository
The purpose of this repository is to make some range data and detailed reconstructions available to the public。Currently, this repository only contains models that were scanned and reconstructed at the Stanford Computer Graphics Laboratory。

The Scale Space Skeletonization Page
This page presents a new scale space skeletonization technique。

UMUT wavelet coder
This wavelet-based image compression algorithm has been developed by Levent Oktem (that's me) and Rusen Oktem in Tampere University of Technology Signal Processing Laboratory。We could not find a suitable name for the scheme yet。Until we come up with a proper name, we will refer to it by its nickname: UMUT。

USC-SIPI Image Database
The USC-SIPI image database is a collection of digitized images。It is maintained primarily to support research in image processing, image analysis, and machine vision。The first edition of the USC-SIPI image database was distributed in 1977 and many new images have been added since then。

VTK Home Page
The Visualization ToolKit (VTK) is an open source, freely available software system for 3D computer graphics, image processing, and visualization used by thousands of researchers and developers around the world。VTK consists of a C++ class library, and several interpreted interface layers including Tcl/Tk, Java, and Python。

Waterloo BragZone
Comparing different image compression programs has always been difficult. At least two problems plague any such attempt。First, published papers present results for different images (even if it is Lena), at widely scattered compression ratios。And second, most printed renditions obscure those artifacts that you most want to see。

Waterloo Repertoire GreySet1
There are twelve images in GreySet1。Some are photographic pictures, others are synthetic; one is a montage of four smaller pieces。

Wavelets and their Applications
The project Wavelets and their Applications is a research project sponsored by the Dutch science foundation NWO in which four Dutch research groups participate。

Xin Li's homepage of image processing - digital signal processing
Image Processing and digital signal processing。

The XView-PC interface。


金石堂網路書店 有圖書目錄檢索,還提供每月強力推薦、每月暢銷排行榜、特價情報、新書報報、熱門書單、作家專欄等專區。

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Statlib Index

Statistics Homepage at the University of Florida

Statistic Applications in Medical Images

